
Welcome to the GICC Website

Who are the GICC members?

The Global International Community of Coaches (GICC) is a world wide community of coaches holding an INSEAD Coaching Certificate, supporting executives in their professional life by applying a system psycho-dynamic coaching approach.
GICC aims to provide a safe space for executives to focus on personal and professional development, elaborate growth mindset and explore the motivational drivers and psychological factors that influence
decision making, leadership and group behaviours.

What are the GICC community goals?

1. Create a Connection – Allow the community to remain connected as well as create a wider network across ICC cohorts.
2. Share the Knowledge – Expand our Continuous Learning through shared articles, coaching cases, practical tools and supervision sessions.
3. Business Development – Support the business development of participants who wish to work as coaches.

What is the GICC mission for our clients?

While the only constant is change, change is not easy and demands the right leadership, the right knowledge and the right support system.

GICC supports Executives in:

– Helping to bear the sense of anxiety and uncertainty of change;
– Supporting the team members with their sense of loneliness due to remote working;
– Containing the tendency of the group members to regress;
– Enabling the group to realise their ability to affect the change;
– Facilitating the evolution of ideas for change
