GICC Survey Results


Note:  I am putting together a small working group as we continue to fine-tune our GICC’s branding.
If you are interested in joining and would like to learn more, feel free to reach back to me at:

The survey was sent to the 160 current GICC members as of May 2021 via email, social media and personal reminders, with an exceptional response rate of between 38%. The survey includes ten questions and asked for additional input. The raw data is included in the appendix.

On 20th May, 2021, we held our first Branding and Vision workshop. During the workshop we discussed GICC’s purpose and vision focusing on the WHAT and the WHY.

Combined results
The following is an attempt to combine the survey results with some outcomes of the workshop.
The methodology is simple: throwing all the words from the survey results and core themes from the workshop into an excel sheet and counting them.
For example, question one of the survey asked: “What words do you associate, or would you like others to associate with GICC?” With 46 mentions, the word “coaching” is among the top ten. That word also emerged eight times in various mission statement drafts in the workshop and was added to the overall count.

The following analysis is based on a total of 204 words.
To avoid distractions, I decided to exclude any word mentioned five times or less, leaving 56 different words.

COACHING ranked one with a total of 54 mentions, followed by INSEAD with 51 and EMPOWERED with 50.

Subsequently, I created the following themes: ANIMAL and CAR are a direct reference to the survey questions (eight and nine).

The others include:

GICC’s favored animal is the Eagle which was mentioned by 40% of respondents.

About a third of respondents chose Audi as the car they would associate with GICC.

It is interesting but perhaps not surprising that 96% view GICC’s identity as defined by INSEAD.
A close second is EMPOWERED.
Equally unsurprising is that our profession is COACHING which most of us want to conduct by LISTENING.
Our top value is INTEGRITY.
The final theme that is important to most of us is what I labeled “DIVERSITY” which comprises terms such as ‘diverse’, ‘global’ or ‘international’.

We will now build a working group to work on our purpose statement. More on that in due time.

Many thanks again for your input.



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