Goal Setting

It is Monday morning. The start of a new week and a perfect time to kick of my new goal. Then as the day passes, or perhaps the week or even the month my goal seems to slip away from me and becomes more and more impossible to reach. The sense of disappointment and frustration is all too familiar and stays with me for a while.

Being an optimist and not ready to give up I shift my mindset and think about a new goal. Convinced that this time I will reach it.

Sound familiar to you? Or maybe you do not even get to formulating a goal because it is so big or distant that you are convinced that you will never reach it, or you do not even know where to begin.

Would you be surprised if I would tell you that you need to keep it small? Very small actionable goals that you can actually reach. Like babysteps, so small that it feels as if you need to put hardly any effort into it. Nevertheless, that feeling that you have accomplished what you set out to do is wonderful. That feeling will also help you take the next (baby) step.

And as we all know “one small step for [a] man”, can be a “giant leap for mankind”!

Are you ready to start your (baby)steps?

I am! My goal is to share some of my experience, thoughts and practice on a bi-weekly basis.

Stay tuned…

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